Research Network - BioTheRos

Research Network

Organisation Country Type Topic Website
Aalborg University DenmarkDenmarkUniversityPyrolysis
AEE Intec - Institute for Sustainable TechnologiesAustriaResearch instituteBiobased value chains
Argonne National LaboratoryUSAResearch
Aston University BirminghamUKUniversityGasification
ATEE - Assocation technique energie environnement FranceNon-profit associationGasification
BAZL FOCA Federal Office of Civil Aviation SwitzerlandFederal institutionBiofuels
BEST - Bioenergy and Sustainable TechnologiesAustriaResearch instituteGasification
BIOEN FAPESPBrazilResearch instituteBiofuels
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences AustriaUniversityGasification
BTG - Biomass technology groupThe Netherlands Research institutePyrolysis
CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada CanadaResearch institutePyrolysis, Gasification
CERTH Centre for Research and Technology HellasGreeceResearch instituteBiofuels
China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC)ChinaResearch instituteBiofuels
CIRCE Centro TecnologicoSpainResearch instituteBiofuels
CNU Chungnum National UniversitySouth KoreaUniversityBiofuels
CR Enea TrisaiaItalyResearch instituteGasification
Danish Technological InstituteDenmarkResearch instituteBiofuels
DBFZ (Deutsches Biomasse Forschungszentrum) GermanyResearch instituteBiofuels, Biobased value chains
Ea Energy Analyses DenmarkConsultantBiobased value chains
ECAM Brussels Engineering School BelgiumUniversityGasification
Environment and Climate Change CanadaCanada Federal institutionBiofuels
EPE Energy Research OfficeBrazilFederal institutionBiofuels
FNR (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe)GermanyResearch instituteBiofuels, Biobased value chains
Hasselt UniversityBelgiumUniversityBiofuels
HP Green R&D Centre IndiaResearch institutePyrolysis
Idaho National Laboratory USAResearch instituteBiobased value chains
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.India Energy providerGasification
International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy (IINAS) GermanyResearch instituteBiobased value chains
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology GermanyResearch instituteGasification,
KIER Korea Institute of Energy ResearchKorea Research instituteBiofuels
LEC (Large Engines Competence Center)Austria Research instituteBiofuels
Lulea University of TechnologySwedenUniversity Gasification
Motor Oil HellasGreeceRefineryOther
NEDO New Energy and Industrial Technology DevelopmentJapanResearch instituteBiofuels
NREL National Renewable Energy LaboratoryUSAResearch instituteGasification
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)USAResearch
QIBEBT Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology ChinaResearch institutePyrolysis
RenetechIreland Technology providerBiofuels
RISE Research Institute of SwedenSweden Research instituteBiobased value chains
RVO Netherland Enterprise AgencyThe Netherlands Federal institutionGasification, Biofuels
RWE Generation NL BVNetherlands Energy providerBiobased value chains
ScionNew ZealandResearch institute Pyrolysis,
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)DenmarkUniversityBiofuels
Technical University ViennaAustriaUniversityBiobased value chains
TNO (former ECN)The NetherlandsTechnology providerGasification
Tsinghua UniversityChinaUniversityGasification, Biofuels
U.S. Department of EnergyUSAFederal institutionBiofuels, Biobased value chains
UBC (University of British Columbia)CanadaUniversityBiofuels
UCPH (University of Copenhagen) DenmarkUniversityBiofuels
Utrecht UniversityNetherlands UniversityBiobased value chains
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LtdFinland Research institutePyrolysis,
Wild&PartnerAustriaConsultantBiobased value chains
WinGDSwitzerlandEnergy providerBiofuels
WIP Renewable EnergiesGermanyConsultantBiofuels

© WIP Munich 2025
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101122212. The information and views set out in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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