The BioTheRoS Knowledge Hub is a database established in the course of the project and provides links to relevant publications and research groups. Scaling up sustainable biofuels is a global challenge in terms of environmental, social, and economic sustainability, which can benefit from international collaboration and knowledge exchange. This Knowledge Hub is a network for knowledge sharing and information exchange through international collaboration and contributes to global knowledge building for sustainable scaling of advanced biofuels value chains.
The Publication Database contains and lists relevant information, including technical reports, presentations and links to important scientific publications. The Research Network is a list of research groups and organizations dealing with the topics of biofuels from gasification and pyrolysis. Both databases are clustered in the following topics: Biobased value chains, Biofuels, Gasification, Pyrolysis, Others.
If you like to be involved in the BioTheRoS Knowledge Hub with listing your research institute or your publications, you are invited to contact
Publication Database Research Network